Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Not a president, but important all the same!
Leòn Cortès Castro 1936-1940
Federico Tinoco Granados 1917-1919
Laura Chinchilla Miranda 2010-present
The Olympians: Cleto Gonzàlez Vìquez 1906-1910 & 1928-1932 and Ricardo Jimènez Oreamuno 1910-1914, 1924-1928 &1932-1936
José Figueres Olsen 1994-1998
Rafael Calderón Fournier 1990-1994
Oscar Arias Sánchez 1986-1990, 2006-2010
One might say that winning the Nobel Peace Prize provides credit enough to Oscar Arias and the time he spent leading Costa Rica, but in reality there is so much more.
Oscar Arias is well remembered for his environmental and educational stand. He encouraged the development of teaching techology and the sciences in schools, and reformed the educational system, replacing standardized tests at the end of primary and secondary school.
He helped to aliviate Costa Rica´s debt, and managed to control and even reduce inflation. He worked to provide jobs and increase housing construction. These in turn would benefit the poor and middle class, and reduce poverty as well.
Tomàs Guardia Gutièrrez 1870-1876 & 1877-1882
- abolishing the death penalty
- the 1871 Constitution
- establishing a prison island, San Lucas
- constructing the railroad to the Atlantic
- founded the Union Bank (today it's the Bank of Costa Rica)
- started the export of bananas
- and increased the number of schools
From his achievements one can tell that Guardia was a very military oriented leader.
Monday, June 21, 2010
José Figueres Ferrer 1948-1949, 53-58, 70-74
Rafael Calderón Guardia 1940-1944
Juan Rafael Mora Porras 1849-1859
Most likely, Mora would not have had a second term, but then, along came William Walker. Walker wanted to conquer Costa Rica and was proslavery, so Mora raised an army to fight off Walker. This worked, but his success against Walker was short lived because then cholera came and killed off about a tenth of the population. Mora liked to play favorism and that earned him some enemies. He also created the National Bank and his family monopolized the coffee industry, so making more enemies for himself. He was finally exiled out of the country in 1859 when he tried to rig the elections again to give himself a third term. He died when he returned from his exile in El Salvador to try and retake the country. He had taken Puntarenas but was later shoot and arrested 1860.
- built the Liquor Factory
- built the University of Santo Tomas
- Built the National Palace, the site for legislator
- improved roads between Cartago and Puntarenas
- strengthened coffee
- opened public lighting system
- the National Anthem was written during his presidency
- created Diocese of Costa Rica
- signed a treaty with Nicaragua that defined the border between them (Treaty Canas-Jerez)
- stimulated establishment of banks
- stimulated development of Guanacaste
- led National Campaign against Buccaneers
Jose Castro Madriz 1847-1849 & 1866-1868
"Mi administración no procede de luchas ni se inaugura sobre las ruinas de ningún partido. Su bandera es la nación y su objeto el bienestar de toda Costa Rica" (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Mar%C3%ADa_Castro_Madriz)
Said the Founder of the Republic
Jose Castro doesn't just have the same last name as the current dictator of Cuba, he also was a liberal and very deep believer in enlightenment and the freedom of the press. He married former head of state, Manuel Fernandez Chacon's, daughter. Before he became president, he had several other jobs in the government including Auditor of War, Minister General, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy for Homeless, Deputy Chief, and Vice President.
This man is the first president (everyone before him were all called head of states). He stopped being president when coffee barons decided to force his resignation and replaced him with his vice president Juan Rafael Mora. Wow, guess it's a good idea not to upset those coffee barons. Instead of "Cotton is King"- it's Coffee is King. During Castro's first term he made a lot of treaties and made good diplomatic relations. He was a strong promoter of education during both his terms. The only problem during his reign was the poor coffee economy which led to the barons replacing him. There were some attempts to overthrow the government before the military coup of 1868 which ended Castro's presidency.
Some of his major accomplishments while he was in power include:
- Creating a girls high school
- declaring Costa Rica as sovereign and independent republic
- creating the current flag
- made a national holiday!!!! I like this guy
- opened Limon to foreign trade
- made the first telegraph line going between Cartago and Puntarenas
- installed pipe's in San Jose
- supported cultural trainning and education of women
- established a national bank
Braulio Carrillo Colina 1835-1837 & 1838-1842
While Carrillo is remembered as a dictator, he has some pretty interesting achievements. I don't really like his achievements- who would ever want less holidays?!?! but he was sort the kind of guy who didn't like lazy people I guess.
List of Carrillo's Achievements:
- Abolished the Ambulance Act and established the capital at San Juan de Tibas
- Reduced the number of holidays (this really is what makes him a dictator, people need/like/want holidays)
- Promoted labor and fought laziness
- Organized the national justice sector
- Made a plan to boost agriculture
- Separated Costa Rica from Central American Federal (certain people such as the next head of state really did not like this one)
- Made San Jose the capital
- Decreed by Constituent Assembly that Costa Rica assumed full sovereighnty making the nation free and independent
- Organized courts
- Promoted coffee production
- Decreed the basic law and guarantees
Carrillo's Law of Guarantees in 1841 gave more power to make reforms to the counties developement. He ended his dictatorship when he was overthrown by General Fransisco Morazan, one of the people who didn't like Costa Rica being separate from the Central American Federation. He died in El Salvador on May 15, 1845 (probably by someone who was upset about the less holidays decree). He was remembered as one of the strongest rulers who wanted to develope Costa Rica and brought order to Public Administration. So I suppose he was ok since his dictatorship came out with something that would help the country (more progress), but he was still pretty bad just because he took away some holidays.